Five Engagement Strategies of Great Boards – Free Webinar Replay 

Presented by Becker Associates, and Canadian Nonprofit Academy,


Available until September 20, 2021 


Making decisions is hard enough for your nonprofit or charity !!! 

Your nonprofit or charity is dependent on the board of directors making effective decisions that support the vision and mission. As the steward of your organization’s future, values, and programs, decisions made today could have lasting implications.

Engagement is essential for any nonprofit to thrive. Staff, board members, and volunteers must be committed to the organization’s purpose, values, and direction. Nonprofits that support and encourage volunteer engagement are going to do better overall.


The highlights of this free webinar  

  • there is a strong connection between engagement and board members’ knowledge, skills and deep understanding of programs and services

  • great boards of forward-thinking and collaborative

  • right onboarding, training and clear expectations help board members maximize their time spent on the nonprofit’s activities


Would you like your board to be more engaged?