Bring Your Board
On Board



Did you know that most Canadian nonprofit board members don’t feel that they are adequately prepared to take on their roles as directors?


Guarantee that your nonprofit board of directors is effective, engaged, and mission-driven year after year.



Canadian Nonprofit Academy

Engage Volunteers • Energize Vision • Inspire Action

Did you know that the Canadian Nonprofit sector accounts for 6.8 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and, when the value of volunteer work is incorporated, contributes 8.5 percent of the GDP?  This sector contributes to the country’s output in excess of $61.8 billion (Canadian)?

Did you know that Canada has one of the largest and most vibrant nonprofit and voluntary sectors in the world?

Do you know that the boards of directors of the nonprofit sector have the legal responsibility to oversee billions of dollars of resources?

Did you know that many directors do not feel that they receive enough training to effectively perform their roles as fiduciaries?

The Canadian nonprofit sector plays a sizeable role in Canadian social life. Yet, many organizations are struggling with internal capacity issues that keep them from fulfilling their missions. A large part of this is related to the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.  In both the US and Canada, research studies have shown that the skills, resources, and experience of directors are not enough to meet the needs of most nonprofit organizations.

Our Vision

Canadian Nonprofit Academy helps nonprofit organizations increase their impact by strengthening their governance.  We envision a sector where every nonprofit in Canada has the staff and the volunteer leadership it needs to realize its mission and to make a difference in the community.

We provide accessible, innovative and just-in-time education for the directors of Canadian for-public-benefit organizations.

CNPA is a place to learn and to share.  It is a place where Canadian nonprofit directors can learn about governance and connect with other Canadian nonprofit directors. 

We believe

  • Each and every Canadian non-profit organization makes a transformative difference in the community it serves
  • Nonprofit directors need to be supported in their roles to maximize their contribution to their organizations
  • Training for nonprofit board directors needs to be innovative, affordable, and accessible

Online On Demand Nonprofit Board Training



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